In his young-adult life Quincy dealt with a very dark part of his journey, struggling with severe depression, substance abuse and the tribulations of finding identity and purpose. Creating music provided a healthy outlet to and a glimmer of hope.

He is now over 12 years sober and his work is weaved with his experience of transformation and is delivered in a form that can reach the younger generation.

2011: Quincy began visiting High-schools, treatment centers and lock down facilities as a speaker, workshop leader and part-time teacher.
2016: Founded Cypher CURE utilizing the Hip-Hop cypher for positive expression and community support.
2021: Founded Seven Vision Studios, a sovereign media production studio, and REBELWISE, a transformative Hip-Hop crew / with intentional lyricism and high-caliber, world-fusion soundscapes.
Quincy's Work​

2022: Founded Voices of Wisdom to serve some of the most vulnerable youth in our community with workshops designed to create a bridge for the elder teachings to reach the youth (typically middle school and high school age), supported by community and creative expression.
Moving forward: Quincy envisions continuing to collaborate with artists across the world and to visit the Mongolia / Siberia area, to re-connect with the land of his ancestral lineage.